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Selectmen's Minutes - April 20, 1993
April 20, 1993     Present:     James Haggerty, Jr.
                                                Judith Murdoch
                                                Robert Crowley
                                                Robert Andrews
                                                Joseph Frisoli

Mr. Haggerty and Mr. Frisoli went upstairs to attend School/Finance Committee Meeting.  Vice Chairman Murdoch chaired the meeting.  Board voted to sign the BAN's for $106,000 at 2.8% interest.  Motion by Andrews, 2nd Crowley, 3-0 vote.

Board voted to issue a Hawkers license to Charles and Carol Sweet for the property owned by Charter Gasoline.  Motion by Andrews, 2nd Crowley. 3-0 vote.

Board voted to grant a parade permit to Hanson Youth Baseball.  Motion by Andrews, 2nd by Crowley.  3-0 vote.  

Mr. Haggerty and Mr. Frisoli joined the meeting.

Board read a letter announcing Girl Scout Leader Day for April 22, 1993.  Motion by Crowley, 2nd Frisoli, 5-0 vote to declare April 22, 1993 Girl Scout Leader Day in the Town of Hanson.

Question arose by the Chairman as to whether two additional articles should have been included in the warrant.  Specifically those articles dealt with Wage and Personnel issues by excluding the Treasurer/Collector and Town Accountant from Wage and Personnel jurisdiction.  Originally the Board has accepted two articles; however, after discussion the Board agreed they could not take action since there had been no Wage and Personnel hearing.  It was explained that the Executive Secretary did not include those articles in the Warrant because of that reason.  The Chairman pointed out since the Board had accepted them, technically, they perhaps should have been included in the warrant.  It was agreed to contact Town Counsel first thing in the morning.  The Town Clerk also agreed to contact State Elections Office.  Board stated if necessary they would hold an emergency meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30 to open and close a special warrant and include the two articles in question and then report.  Since this issue became somewhat confusing, the Board agreed that they would hold off in making recommendations on the articles for the Annual Town Meeting until next week.  

The Board asked the Executive Secretary for an update on Rte. 58.  He responded by stating there is a meeting set early in the following week to discuss starting time, where the contractor was, etc.  He would be able to report back to the Board the following Tuesday.  

Chairman asked the Executive Secretary to attend the Whitman Hanson Business breakfast on the 28th as he would be out of Town.  

Board also asked the Executive Secretary to contact the Telephone Co. and continue to express our concerns about their speed in which they are removing the poles from Rte. 58.  

Mr. Crowley discussed the issue concerning Chief Berry's performance evaluation - specifically a letter received from the Chief which did in fact point out his ability to make arrests in the State of Massachusetts.  Motion by Crowley, 2nd Andrews to strike the personnel evaluation as pertains to the comments on the ability of the Chief to make arrests.  5-0 vote.  (Noted Mr. Andrews changed his evaluation and it was calculated in to provide a new score for the Police Chief.)  Board agreed to set the salaries for the Police Chief and the Executive Secretary next week.

Executive Sec. announced that the Clerical contract has been reviewed and a final draft is being prepared for signature.  

Executive Secretary also addressed the evaluation process and specifically addressed the evaluation completed by Selectman Robert Andrews.   The Executive Secretary stated that he felt Mr. Andrews evaluation was a slap in the face and asked Mr. Andrews to explain.   On 3 or 4 areas of the evaluation Mr. Andrews gave Mr. Nugent scores of "2".  Mr. Nugent pointed out that in comparison to other Board members who gave him scores of 4's and 5's in most cases in the same areas, he could not understand Mr. Andrews rational.  Mr. Andrews failed to respond and was not able to explain his rationale.  Mr. Nugent stated again that he felt Mr. Andrews had abused the evaluation process and made it very difficult for the Board of Selectmen to incorporate evaluations for any other employees in Town.  Mr. Nugent stated that although he could not produce specific information to rebuke Mr. Andrews low scores as was done by Chief Berry, that Mr. Andrews has never in two years come to him to discuss any shortcomings or offer any criticisms concerning the office management, his knowledge of the job, quality of work, etc.  in those areas in which he scored a "2".  He felt that if Mr. Andrews was relying on hearsay information that he was taking it way out of context and not weighing it in the overall scope of the day to day Town management.  Mr. Nugent stated that he is not going to ask Mr. Andrews to change his scores, however, he wished to let the Board know that he felt the Board should internally police such blatant scoring, either high or low by a member.

Board addressed recommendations on the 25 articles for the Special Town Meeting.  
Art.1   Mot.    Frisoli, 2 Crowley 5-0 Recommend
2                       Frisoli, 2 Crowley 5-0 Recommend
3                       Frisoli, 2 Crowley 4-0-1 (Andrews) Recommend
4                       Andrews, 2 Crowley 5-0 Recommend
5                       Crowley, 2 Frisoli 5-0 Recommend
6                       Andrews, 2 Crowley 5-0 Recommend
7                       Crowley, 2 Frisoli 4-0-1 (Andrews) Recommend
8                       Andrews, 2 Crowley 5-0 Recommend
9                       Crowley, 2 Frisoli 4-0-1 (Andrews) Recommend
10                      Frisoli, 2 Crowley 4-0-1 (Andrews) Recommend
11                      Frisoli, 2 Crowley 4-0-1 (Andrews) Recommend
12                      Frisoli, 2 Crowley 4-0-1 (Andrews) Recommend
13                      Andrews, 2 Crowley 5-0 Recommend
14                      Frisoli, 2 Crowley 1-3-1 Not recommended
15                      Crowley, 2 Frisoli 4-0-1 (Andrews) Recommend
16                      Crowley, 2 Frisoli 3-1-1 Recommend
17                      Frisoli, 2 Crowley 0-4-1 Not recommended
18                      Frisoli, 2 Andrews 5-0 Recommend
19                      Andrews, 2 Crowley 5-0 Recommend
20                      Andrews, 2 Crowley 5-0 Recommend
21                      Andrews, 2 Frisoli 5-0 Recommend
22                      Frisoli, 2 Crowley 5-0 Recommend
23                      Andrews, 2 Crowley 5-0 Recommend
24                      Andrews, 2 Crowley 4-1(Haggerty)-0 Recommend
25                      Frisoli, 2 Crowley 5-0 Recommend

J. Frisoli will do Article 1; R. Crowley, Article 2; J. Haggerty, Article 3; R. Crowley, Article 6; J. Frisoli, Article 8; R. Andrews, Article 19; R. Andrews, Article 20.

Motion to adjourn by Crowley, 2nd Frisoli.  5-0 vote. 10:12 p.m.

Judith Murdoch, Clerk